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View my catalogue of different models and their variations


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Thank you for visiting my Corgi.Toys website. If you're looking to purchase models for your collection or investment portfolio go to the Stock or Shop online pages. If you're looking for information about variants and issue details go the Catalogue pages. I have also published some new complete model lists on this site, covering all Corgis from 1956-1970s and Other models from 1969-1983.

I have some spare Corgi figures too that will be available soon.

I have a genuine original blue 305 mini-Marcos GT850, probably the rarest of the normally issued Corgis from this era. This could be found only in some of the Gift Set 20 Transporter Sets issued in 1972.

A Complete Corgi Catalogue

I am working on publishing a complete listing of Corgi models from 1956 to the 1970s. This will include all the visible variations that I am aware of and which could have been purchased at your local store or ordered from Corgi, as well as a few promotional issues.  It will have photos of actual models I have seen wherever possible and some dates of availability. Other than for a few items I am not proposing to cover the different box styles at this stage.

I will also not attempt to estimate values either as these can vary so much with condition. My own stock can always serve as a guide in this respect and I am happy to value individual items or collections if required.

You can view the detailed Catalogue at this link or a list of the models (without variations) on this page.

I have also just completed a listing of all the later issues which, whilst not in my sphere of expertise, may be a useful resource for collectors who like the larger scale models, aircraft, military items, racing cars and many other categories issued from 1969 to 1983. View this at this page.